Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bonnie Scotland - The Isles of Skye & Harris (June 14, 2012)

Thursday, June 14, 2012
We had interesting conversation with a very nice Chinese couple this morning at the breakfast table of the Ben Tianvaig B&B and spent far more time chatting than Kris likely wanted. Bill, Charlotte, and Dolly were quite friendly (though Charlotte claims not to be a morning person), and Bill was just tickled pink to hear that I have visited Southfork Ranch before. They are big fans of the show Dallas and were quite surprised to hear that they are making new episodes.

We hit the local co-op for some provisions then headed out to the Old Man of Storr. We saw a funny Wicked Campervan in the parking lot.

The Old Man is a very large and strange rock formation out in the Trotternish area of Skye.

The 45 minute - 1 hour hike took my out of shape butt 2 hours and 10 minutes to complete, but I did it.

Kris and I got a few photos on the way up...

"It'll just take another hour and a half Kristy.  Almost done."

and, while I did the entire official hike, I didn't walk the super steep path to stand next to the old man. I just took photos of Kris.

Do you see Kris?

How about now?

There were some great views from the town...and, as the guy below found out, decent cell phone reception.

The guy at the top was making a seriously loud phone call.

I thought the woods at the bottom were very enchanting.

No Photoshop here...just crazy cool woods.

Then we were off to Kilt Rock. I see the kilt...can you?

After a lunch stop in Staffin and a lovely waterfall stop, we headed up to the Quaraing.

The air is gorgeous and clean - but the wind chill is killer.

Leaving the Quaraing, there was little but sheep and a one way road until we ran into a group of really expensive cars sitting in the middle of nowhere with nobody around. Super strange.

Just driving along the roads in Skye offers just pretty views.

We headed off to the Faerie Glen and what used to be Castle Ewer. The photos just can't capture the essence of the Faerie Glen. Shadows and light bouncing off mossy rocks and trees. Birds chirping. A slight rustling of leaves as the wind whips in the area. A feeling of calm - an etherealness and a sense of time standing still. (Sorry English people...this is in no way proper use of the English language.)

I looked for faerie dust and leprechauns. No luck today, but I did find a bit of eerie mysterious peacefulness.

So we continued down the road to Uig to catch the ferry to the Isle of Harris.


I got rather ferry boat sick. Blech.

The Isle of Harris is quite famous for its beaches - the most famous being Luskentyre Beach with water from the Atlantic Ocean, which we, of course, had to visit. I don't know how to explain Luskentyre. Adjectives escape me...but I will try anyway.

Luskentyre is an expansive beach. There is lots of white white sand that offers pliable and strange footpaths during low tide.

I was captivated by this rock.  No Photoshop - just beauty.

Strange birds nest here.

Continuing along the road, you see a few farmsteads or homes and some cemeteries before hitting the carpark and more sand...and giant sand dunes.

We never intended to stay to see sunset, but I was ever so glad we did.

If you go, you must also drive the other side of the road...into Seilibost. Go far enough to pass the Seilibost won't regret it for one second. It offers completely different views of Luskentyre than you can get from the other side.

Luskentyre Beach

Although too cold to swim, I doubt there is a prettier beach in the world. I was gasping and wowing left and right!

Our accommodations for the evening was a quick stay at the Mount Cameron B&B near Tarbert in a place called Cluer.

I don't know how to explain the Isle of Harris. East Harris was very different from West Harris. It's this rocky, hilly, grassy terrain...the most unique and strangest ground I've ever seen in such a large spanse. It looks like the place they'd have filmed an inaccurate moon movie in the 80s. Kris says it's like being on the top of the mountaintop...but I've never been there, so I can't compare.

Our B&B sat on the water of the Minch in a town called Cluer and the B&B owner was quite nice.

Ann McKinnon told me that her husband had been born and grew up in the house just below from where we were. 

There was something very tranquil and unique about Harris.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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