Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Island of Oahu (July 3, 2012)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back when we were planning this trip, we'd planned Tuesday to be North Shore day. On the way, Heather stopped quickly to allow me to see the Hawaiian State Capitol Building.

Across the street, where Heather turned around to make sure I got the best photo possible, was a blue stop sign. It might be more interesting than the capitol.

Next up, the Dole Pineapple Plantation. We were easily able to find parking because we got there around opening. When we were leaving, the place was packed.

The guys did the maze while Heather and I went to a pineapple demo. I learned a few things about picking a pineapple from the demo lady.

First of all, you can't tell a good pineapple by pulling the stems. It's a myth. Also, the color tells you how much sun the pineapple got when it was growing - not how ripe it is.

To pick a good pineapple, check the firmness. It should be fairly firm. Then check the eyes of the pineapple. All of the eyes should be the same size to signify the pineapple is uniformly ripe. Last, the pineapple shouldn't smell too pineapple-y. If it does, it means the pineapple is fermenting.

The pineapple can be served decoratively in it's own casing. She dusted with with Li Hing Mui powder which she called sweet and salty plum with licorice.

Heather and I continued to explore while waiting on the boys. They had a bunch of different varieties of pineapple planted.

There was a koi pond where you could feed fish for fifty cents. Those suckers would go into a feeding frenzy anytime someone was near the barrier. They swam on top of each other trying to get the food. Their mouths are really gross.

We found some whimsical and some disturbing decor items around the plantation too.

Who invited the creepy blue elf to the party?

We finally reunited with the guys in time for pineapple ice cream. Then, because we weren't yet tired of frozen flavored sugar, it was time for some shaved ice on the North Shore of Hawaii.

I personally think that Aoki's in Hale'iwa offers the best shaved ice on Oahu, but Kris got his with adzuki beans and doesn't agree. He kept repeating that shaved ice shouldn't look like that. They really didn't taste bad, but they looked awful.

Heather wanted some real food, so she drove us along the coast to Giovanni's Shrimp Truck and assorted farmers market/food truck foods for corn (me )and shrimp (everyone else).

I had both kinds of corn. Baja was the best corn I've ever had in my life.

Casthead suggested hunting for sea turtles at Turtle Cove. I've decided that Turtle Cove is where turtles with a death wish go to play. The tides and rocks seem so dangerous - and this was summer!

I somehow missed the photo opportunity at Ted's Bakery near Sunset Beach. They are famous for their chocolate haupia pie, but I had the macadamia nut cream. It was delicious!

A little further down the road, we located Bonzai Pipeline. During the winter months, Bonzai Pipeline offers some of the best waves in the world and major surfing competitions are held here. During the summer months, the waves are just brutal. For some reason, this is the location the guys thought would be best for learning how to boogie board.

I guess the waves looked okay at first...

but it quickly became evident that they were pretty brutal.

Eventually Casthead got a good wave.

Watch this YouTube video to see why Kris was in so much pain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6YPfmWXHT0&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Meanwhile, this guy was successfully able to surf.

After we left, Kris was getting the salt water out of his sinuses for days. So nasty!

We went to Shark's Cove to snorkel. Kris got some good photos of the fish.

We next took a drive to the Pu'uomahuka Heiau overlooking Waimea Bay beach on Pupukea Road for some great views. This is a holy site that was once used for sacrificing. I left an offering...I hope they appreciate the breath mint. Kris left an offering too...he cleared out more salt water out of his sinuses to appease the gods.

We, of course, had to stop by Matsumoto's Shaved Ice in Hale'iwa before we left. I think Aoki's is better. It's also cheaper.

Heather next took us on a scenic drive along east coast of Oahu as the sun set.

After a quick detour to the Makapuu Point Lighthouse, we stopped for the guys to get dried cuttlefish from a store called Rainbow Crackberry. (Personal commentary: the boys are nuts. They paid to make themselves and Heather and me nauseous with the scent of disgusting dried packaged fish.)

We had some good Greek food for dinner. Can't believe the guys would want that when they could have more spicy cuttlefish.

What a way to end our time in Oahu.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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